BIB: Antworten von WEP

Auszüge aus dem Schriftwechsel mit World Events Productions (WEP) während der BIB-Aktion.


[…] To answer your question… World Events Productions owns all rights to Saber Rider. We are currently seeking broadcasters in Germany. If you would like to forward the list to us, we would be more than happy to pass it on to any broadcasters that might be interested in the series. […]


[…] We also want Saber Rider to be on in Germany! Were currently working on some contracts that would allow the show to be aired in Germany. So please keep the faith and keep your fingers crossed and we will try very hard for you and all the fans out there! […]

13.11.2000, über den Erhalt der BIB-Liste:

[…] I did get the impressive petition, and showed it to my boss. I know she said that she is working on things in Germany and to try and keep your fingers crossed. No quarantees she said though, but that she would try for everyone is Germany! She was touched by the petition , as I was also! I will keep your email address on file and the minute we hear anything, we will let you know! or if we release any other movies on home video! […]

15.11.2000, u.a. zur Soundtrack-Frage:

[…] The petition site is being forwarded to my boss, so that she can use that to pitch to the T.V. stations, so that they will buy our program ‚Saber Rider.‘ This should impress the companies and make them realize that they need to purchase the show. I know she is currently working on some deals, but I can’t say who yet. Of course that is no guarantee that the deals will be a success, but we are always hopeful. To answer your question about the soundtrack for ‚Saber Rider‘ and whether the music is available? To answer your question, No. I am truly sorry, but I will suggest the idea to my boss. Well know it is just a waiting game, and it is tuff, but try and keep the faith. Hopefully all your hard work, will pay off in the end! You are truly the most dedicated fan I know for Saber Rider! […] Thanks for all that you do!